Lista de Tascon: Maisanta software explainedBy Aleksander BoydLondon 15.09.05 | The existence of systematic political prosecution in Venezuela, as established in article 7 of the Rome Statute, has been been argued for some time now. Apologists of Hugo Chavez maintain that it is nonsense, just another cry wolf allegation against the 'democratically elected' leader. Many people have complained about the existence of a list, compiled by chavista assemblyman Luis Tascon with a group of collaborators, that is widely utilised by government officials at all institutional levels to deny passports, contracts, IDs, employments, benefits, etc. The creation of said database was ordered by Hugo Chavez himself, who in a memo dated January 30th 2004 and addressed to former National Electoral Council's director Francisco Carrasquero, stated:
Not only did Hugo Chavez order and knew about the existence of the database, the president concludes the memo by asking that his request be given full legal consideration (la presente se hace a los fines legales consiguientes). Thus Tascon put together, with the assistance and leniency of Venezuela's National Electoral Council's (CNE) director, this Venezuelan version of McCarthyism that could be consulted by the public from March 2004 on the website of Assemblyman Tascon; a revised version was distributed on July 6th of the same year. Hugo Chavez admitted in live television that the list had fulfilled its purposes -he also praised Jorge Verstrynge's book 1 hour and 25 min. into his dominical charade of Sunday 10th of April- expressing that civil servants ought to stop using it against those who signed to petition for a recall referendum on his mandate. What is more, the database was a key element of the official effort mounted by Chavez with tax payer's money to win the recall referendum known as "Misi�n Florentino". The software programme that comes with the list is called MaiSanta, probably borrowing its name from Comando Maisanta, which was the chavista political campaign prior to the recall referendum. Also with the package there is a rather long power point presentation geared at electoral officials supportive of Chavez. Researching a bit about this topic I was able to find, download the list via emule (just search for "lista de tascon") and install the software in my PC. It contains details of 12.394.109 citizens, that is to say Venezuela's entire electoral register up until July 6 2004. The images speak for themselves. The questions: what would happen should any of the leaders of the democratic nations of the world be caught ordering the construction of such database? What would happen to the electoral institutions of any European country and its officials should they be caught passing critical information with respect to the political tendencies of the electorate to politicians of a given ruling party? Main frame Search result Function to see how many deceased are still registered in the roll. Function to search polling centres by region. This window appears by clicking on "Buscar Centro de Votaci�n por Regi�n", which shows states. Additional window pops up by clicking "Seleccionar". The next subdivision after state is municipality. By pressing "Estad�sticas" another window appears showing the voting centres at a given municipality. By pressing "Seleccionar" access to the entire electoral roll of a given voting centre can be gained. At the top of the window ID number, full name, DOB, age, against opposition, opponent, abstention, valid signature, rejected signature, Rivas mision, Vuelvan Caras (another social plan), other missions and address details can be observed. The system has been designed to be capable of showing how many supporters of Hugo Chavez there are per voting centre at a national level. By pressing "Patriotas" a list appears, however in the specific case of polling station number 64350, located in Antonio Diaz municipality of Amacuro state, no voter met whatever criteria was set to determine whether a Venezuelan is patriot or not. Quick searches can be run at voting centre level by pressing "Filtrar". Same process is depicted below. In this instance I selected "EMBAJADA" and then "ALEMANIA" from the window that pops up when pressing "Buscar Centro de Votaci�n por Regi�n". The readme file (Leeme)Batalla de Santa In�s Versi�n 1.10 Es un sistema de computaci�n que integra en una sola base de datos toda la informaci�n m�nima y necesaria para la gesti�n electoral. Su desarrollo es din�mico diariamente se incorporan nuevas funcionalidades e informaci�n obtenidas de diversas bases de datos que contribuyen a conocer ampliamente el panorama electoral en forma regional, partiendo desde Estado, municipio parroquia y centro de votaci�n. Su funci�n es facilitar consultas en forma personal o en grupo de ciudadanos de un centro de votaci�n o cualquier comunidad. Sirve de apoyo a la misi�n y visi�n de la sbatalla de Santa In�s. La necesidad de crear �sta soluci�n nace por diferentes razones. 1. Democratizar el acceso a la informaci�n. 5. Motivar la participaci�n electoral. 11. Comodidad para realizar las labores de consulta en Casa. Componentes tecnol�gicos: Ha sido desarrollado para cualquier versi�n del sistema operativo Windows, emplea tecnolog�a propia o auto contenida para 16 bits, permitiendo ser empleada en cualquier computador personal con requerimientos m�nimos. Emplea formato de datos est�ndar, la tabla de datos esta en formato DBF y la emisi�n de resultados en formato plano o TXT que ofrece la ventaja de lograr ser le�dos en cualquier sistema operativo en su formato nativo, es decir; es f�cilmente transportable. Desarrolladores: Este sistema (Programa y Bases de Datos) ha sido construido de
manera desinteresada por un grupo de profesionales altamente
capacitados y experimentados en el desarrollo de aplicaciones
inform�ticas. Lugar de distribuci�n: Este sistema es de uso libre, no requiere licencia de uso, puede ser
distribuido libremente sin pago por su contenido, el distribuidor podr�
cobrar por el valor del Medio magn�tico �CD� y por los servicios de
reproducci�n. [email protected] 0414-380.65.17 (Francisco Marin) Contenido del CD. Instalador general con tiene toda la informaci�n del REP Nacional hasta (Marzo 2004). Requiere 3.5 GB en espacio de disco duro. Estas instrucciones en el archivo leeme.txt Un instalador regionalizado por estado, permitiendo s�lo instalar la base de datos de la regi�n que el usuario requiera, as� ocupar� menos espacio en el disco duro. Instalaci�n: 1. Inserte el CD de instalaci�n. 3. Selecciones el instalador deseado, ejemplo: ZULIA.EXE si s�lo desea trabajar con el estado Zulia. Este programa contiene los registros del REP hasta Marzo 2004. Tambi�n las C�dulas de personas fallecidas y registradas en el REP. Tiene como finalidad, ubicar cualquier ciudadano inscrito para orientarlo Sobre su centro de votaci�n. Adem�s facilita la b�squeda de los votantes de Un centro electoral. �Como se usa? ENTER, inmediatamente son mostrados los datos: Luego, puedes presionar ENTER para listar a todos los votantes del centro de Votaci�n asociados al n�mero de centro de la c�dula consultada, es decir; si La cedula consultada es 1234567, y el centro de votaci�n es 123, listar� todos Los votantes de este centro de votaci�n ordenados por direcci�n de habitaci�n. El listado es visualizado a trav�s de NotePad para facilitar: Navegar, Buscar e imprimir. Si deseas buscar a alguna persona por su nombre, a nivel nacional, coloca 0 en el campo c�dula, luego presiona el bot�n buscar, e introduzca en may�scula los Nombres y Apellidos de manera parcial o total, ejemplo: PEDRO PEREZ CARR para Buscar a todos los: PEDRO PEREZ CARRE�O, recuerda no escribir �. Ser�n visualizados: C�dula, Nombres, Fecha de Nacimiento, Edad y Direcci�n de Habitaci�n. Tambi�n puedes hacer b�squedas en tu centro de votaci�n, solo debes colocar tu n�mero de c�dula para mostrar el centro de votaci�n, luego presiona nuevamente el bot�n "Buscar" y realizar� la b�squeda de la forma antes descrita con la diferencia que ser� aplicada s�lo en el centro de votaci�n y no a nivel nacional. Como ayudar a la patrulla: 1. Solicita la c�dula Version 1.1 Requerimientos: -------------- Hasta la victoria, Comando MaiSanta. Futuras versiones de este Programa, b�scala en : Actividades. 4. Verifique : Fallecidos Vs Votantes Activo y Fallecidos Vs. Misiones. Read also: Smartmatic: all things connected |