Democrat Chavez subverting Bolivia
By Aleksander Boyd
Marbella 08.12.07 - A Venezuelan military plane, identified with registration no. 9508, was attacked by an angry group in the city of Riberalta, Bolivia 2 days ago. The group, presumably foes of Chavez´s puppet Evo Morales, waited until the plane landed and proceeded to throw stones at it which caused an earlier than planned departure. The impromptu escape left Luis Michel Klein Ferrer, allegedly former Venezuelan army officer, stranded at the airport from where he escaped only to be be captured, beaten and, after negotiations, released. Bolivian daily La Prensa reports that Klein Ferrer had a briefcase containing $872,000.
Brazilian sources at Policia Federal reported that the plane was carrying heavy military equipment presumably to be delivered to supporters of Evo Morales. The plane, after having been forced to take off in Bolivia, made an emergency landing at Rio Branco´s International airport in Brazil.
Quick question then: why the hell is a Venezuelan military plane trying to smuggle cash, military equipment and personnel into Bolivia? Is it spreading Chavez brand of democracy?
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