What is wrong with Cuba's health care system?
Por Aleksander Boyd
London 16.01.07 | José Luis García Sabrido, chief of surgery at Hospital Gregorio Marañón of Madrid, travelled to the island-prison of Cuba in December to check the health of dictator Fidel Castro, reports El Pais today. García Sabrido says that "a serious infection in the large intestine and at least three failed medical interventions with various complications maintain the Cuban dictator in a critical condition." What does a Spanish doctor has to say regarding the condition of the dictator? That he was flown from Madrid in December to check Castro out? I mean WTF, what's this world come into? I would have thought Cuba had the world's best health care system. Correct me if I'm wrong but as conventional wisdom would have it, no place better to become ill than Cuba, "the envy of other nations" Kofi Annan's dictum.
It seems that Chavez's mentor is about to "estirar el cacho" as we say back home. Being a descendant of Cuban I sure hope Castro's own miasmas produce the result that more than 40 years of embargo have not...
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