On easy access to Venezuela's airports...for drug traffickers!
By Pedro Mario Burelli | PMBComments
11.01.06 | The Committee on Foreign Relations of the U.S. Senate has released an insightful and information-filed staffer’s trip report to Colombia. The trip was taken by Carl Meacham at the request of the Committee to evaluate all aspects of Plan Colombia. While the report focuses on activities within Colombia, it touches briefly –and graphically- upon the latest information on the role Venezuela is playing in the international narcotics trade. While there have been a number of reports in the press of increased production in Venezuela, one of the charts in this report –see above- substantiate increased air activity from Venezuela towards Hispaniola (Haiti/Dom. Republic) -well know intermediate step for drug flowing into the U.S.
While it might be hard for common folks to leave Venezuela because of the imminent collapse of a key bridge in the Caracas - La Guaira highway, there seems to be little, or no, impediment for thugs to move there wares out of Venezuela. Could it be that revolutionaries are better export promoters than engineers?
PMB Note: To read the brief report cited: ‘‘PLAN COLOMBIA’’: ELEMENTS FOR SUCCESS, please go to the following links:
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