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Washington Post strikes back at Hugo Chavez

By A.M. Mora y Leon | The American Thinker

28.03.05 | Over the past week, tremendous work has been done by blogger Alek Boyd of VCrisis, to expose the extent of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez's network of activists and lobbying operations in the U.S.  Using Freedom of Information Act documents, he's invaluably shown Americans the latest strategies of the Venezuelan Information Office to gull U.S. opinion. Alek's also painstakingly followed the trails of cash being spread around by the oil-rich regime to different Washington lobbies and corporations. And from his investigative work, it's clear they're getting aggressive. You can read his latest findings here, here, and here.

Also, take a look at this important piece by former journalist Alex Beech, outlining the extent of the Venezuelan government manipulation on publicly traded U.S. companies like Google here.

Alek's lead has been picked up in a four-part investigation by El Nuevo Herald,  the Spanish-language branch of the Miami Herald (unfortunately it's not translated) last week that shook the Chavista networks in the U.S. with fear.

Venezuela's rat-like "information" minister, Andres Izarra, back in Caracas, lashed back at the western media for shining some daylight on these manipulative operations, known in Caracas as 'the paying for pens scandal'  and condemned many reporters by name.

One of them, Jackson Diehl of the Washington Post, which has already done a superb job in its own right writing about the depredations of the Chavez regime, has struck back at the slimey Izarra and his efforts to intimidate not just him but all media that publish the reality of the Marxist Chavez regime. Diehl's got a good rundown of events as they've happened this week and it's pretty clear he reads the blogs. Good work Jackson Diehl. Read the whole thing here


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