Venezuela: presidential guard arrested in Rome for drug trafficking
By Aleksander Boyd
London 02.03.05 | Il Corriere della Sera reported a couple of days ago the following:
28 feb 07:53 Roma: operazione antidroga, 8 arresti
ROMA - Otto persone sono state arrestate dai carabinieri di Ostia e dai poliziotti del commissariato di Roma "Fidene Serpentari", con l'accusa di gestire un'organizzazione criminale dedita al traffico di droga. Lo stupefacente proveniva dal Venezuela attraverso corrieri di diversi Paesi europei e sudamericani. In manette due italiani, tre venezuelani, due lituani e un olandese. Tra loro un avvocato e un membro della Guardia presidenziale venezuelana. (Agr) © Corriere della Sera
Rough translation for the language impaired:
An anti-narcotic operation in Rome led to 8 people arrested.
Eight people have been arrested by carabinieri from Ostia and police officers of Rome's "Fidene Serpentari", charged of leading a criminal organization devoted to drug trafficking. The drugs were coming from Venezuela, via different European and South American countries. The arrested are 2 Italians, 3 Venezuelans, 2 Lithuanians and 1 Dutch, among them a lawyer and a member of Venezuela's presidential guard.
Marianella Salazar reports today in El Nacional that Julio César Mora, purportedly a presidential guard, would have been passing through Rome -where he was arrested- en route to India, as part of the team commissioned to make the arrangements for Hugo Chavez' coming visit to that country.
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