FARC in Venezuela: Uribe calls it like it is
By Aleksander Boyd
London 07.01.05 | Colombian President Alvaro Uribe described quite neatly the sentiment of very many people yesterday, when he affirmed "these FARC individuals have got some nerve; on the 1st of January they killed 17 peasants, they kidnap people constantly, they execute terrorist acts daily, they violate human rights, they trade drugs and when they get captured they denounce that they have been kidnapped and that their human rights have been violated".
As a Venezuelan citizen I can only dream of having a president with half the integrity and steadfast anti-terrorism conviction of Alvaro Uribe.
On a lighter note I must congratulate the Colombain operatives who captured Rodrigo Granda in Caracas for their clean and bravado performance. Keep it up fellas, although next time you may want to take a peak inside Miraflores...
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